Our Story

S!MóN began in 2011 when a wandering Vermonter joined forces with Honduran musicians in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Since then, it has grown and evolved, has a fluid membership and involves musicians from several countries.

Without much regard for categories, S!MóN draws on the varied musical experience of its members, mixing folk, punk, funk, polka, rock and other genres with the letter K. Since they are frequently asked “what kind of music do you play?” they have coined the genre label: psycho-folk (although there are some would call it alternative-rock or “indie”). The songs are in English and Spanish, and describe quotidian, political, and existential themes.

The name S!MóN comes from the popular Spanish slang affirmation, used in the following way: Are you going to the show tonight? ¡S!MóN! It is also true that the name, S!MóN, from Hebrew means ‘one who knows how to listen’ and knowing how to listen is the key to collective music making.

Camille, the band’s frontwoman, sings, plays violin and baritone ukulele, and writes most of our songs. She grew up playing traditional north-american and celtic fiddle, including swing and blues, jigs and hornpipes.

S!MóN plays regularly in the small vibrant scene that is Tegucigalpa, has played at festivals (NU festival 2015, Manifiesto 2016), and makes excursions to neighboring countries Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. We’d love to play in Gringolandia too, but US immigration policy makes that nearly impossible.

S!MóN’s second album, Deviant Optimism, was released in February 2017. Our first album, Dutiful Daughter, was released in 2013. Available in Spotify and everywhere else you would expect.